Yahweh, Have Your Way

Ours is not the kind of church where the pastor sets out a vision for the year ahead each January. Nevertheless, I have often felt a Bible verse impressed upon me and prompted that verse as ‘our verse for the year.’ This year, I felt we should join some of the other congregations in the Ignite Life family and focus on discipleship during the first half of the year. We had such a move of God last week that I didn’t get to introduce the series. Of course, that means I didn’t need as much time as usual to prepare my sermon for this week! The title slide is reproduced above.

Late last year, I felt moved to prepare a new slide for our pre-service prayer meetings that featured those words: Yahweh, have Your way. The wordsmith in me likes that.

Those four simple words have profound effect if they reflect a sincere heart. Jesus led the way with His own words of consecration: ‘My food is to do the will of Him Who sent me’ (John 4:34) and, ‘(N)evertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done’ (Luke 22:42).

I recall sitting in a meeting one afternoon a few years ago when, out of the blue, I felt a strong conviction that I had never taken personal responsibility for the Lord’s prayer. I’ve long ago lost count of the number of times I recited that prayer. Suddenly, that afternoon, I realised that I had always had a vague sense that some third party would fulfil verses 9 and 10. Now when I pray, Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:9-10), I pause and reflect on how my life hallows (honours) God, how available I am to God to use as an agent in bringing His kingdom to earth, and exactly how well I am allowing God (Yahweh) to have His way in my life. I reckon the editors of the Bible have given the Lord’s Prayer the wrong title. It should be The Disciples’ Prayer.

I am convinced that my heavenly report card reads currently, ‘Tries, but sometimes not hard enough, and could do better.’ I need to hear my own sermons on discipleship just as much as anyone in my congregation! By God’s grace, we will all do better this year.

Ps Dr Rod St HillComment