IgniteLife Church

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Discipleship - Pt 1

The Mission of the Ignite Life churches is plainly visible on our website: Loving God and loving people, we’re a church of disciples making disciples, training leaders to transform the world for the Kingdom of God. In the first half of the year our congregation is joining several of the others to explore discipleship in depth.

So, what is a disciple? Here is a description of what it meant to be a disciple when Jesus lived among the Jews in the early first century.

Jesus lived in a deeply religious culture that highly valued biblical understanding. Rabbis were greatly respected, and to be a disciple of a famous rabbi was an honor. Rabbis were expected not only to have a vast knowledge about the Bible, but to show through their exemplary lives how to live by the Scriptures. A disciple’s goal was to gain the rabbi’s knowledge, but even more importantly, to become like him in character. It was expected that when the disciple became mature, he would take his rabbi’s teaching to the community, add his own understanding, and raise up disciples of his own.*

Typically, a rabbi would invite people to become disciples. Those who responded were said to be taking 'the yoke of the Torah' or 'the yoke of the kingdom of heaven.' Taking the yoke was a 24/7 commitment.

In your business context, how might you be a disciple?

First, understand that business is (literally) the answer to our prayer, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ (Matt 6:11, NKJV) Furthermore, business is affirmed as a Kingdom activity in Prov 12:26 which says, ‘The people will curse him who withholds grain, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it.’ You need to be a disciple to undertake a Kingdom enterprise in a Kingdom way.

A disciple submits to God as His servant. A disciple is consecrated to do God’s will. In reciting the Lord’s Prayer, a disciple commits to:

  1. honouring (hallowing) God in business (Matt 6:9)

  2. allowing God to establish His Kingdom in business (Matt 6:10); and

  3. doing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven (Matt 6:10)

Jesus set the example for us all to follow when He declared, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent me’ (John 4:34) and ‘Father, if it is Your will, take this cup (of crucifixion) away from me; nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.’ (Luke 22:42)

So, what might be God’s will? I think it is helpful to think of God’s will on three levels.

First, what is His purpose, or to use a theological term, what is His telos? I submit that it is to fill the earth with people like Him, image-bearers if you will. This is clear in Gen 1:26-28 and 2:15-18 where God establishes Adam and Eve as His ‘authorised representatives’ on earth and holds them accountable for the so-called Cultural Mandate that entailed filling the earth (i.e., expanding and developing the Garden of Eden). Later, God established Israel as His ‘Chosen People’. A whole nation was now the authorised representative of God on earth and its identity was defined by the Law. The so-called Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20; Luke 24:16-17) is the analog of the Cultural Mandate and originally applied to Jewish Christians but was clearly extended to all Christians in Acts 10:9-48. God will finally see to it that the earth is filled with people like Him - see Rev 21:1-4.

In business, we strive to be God’s image-bearers, to be people like Him. The manner in which we operate our businesses reflects God’s own nature: His love, mercy, grace, righteousness and justice. We (should) regularly review our business practices in the light of His nature and seriously consider how our businesss might better reflect God’s nature into the world.

Second, God operates on the basis of some enduring principles. The overarching principle is relationship, both individual and national. God has always desired to dwell with His people. This is a constant theme from Genesis to Revelation. Operationally, God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden in the cool of the evening (Gen 3:8); the Law established relationship between Israel and God at the national level (especially Leviticus and Deuteronomy); Jesus was Immanuel, God with us (Matt 1:23); and God is with us now by His grace through the Holy Spirit (Heb 8:10; Jer 31:31-34).

I believe that prayer is the contemporary equivalent of walking with God in the garden. We cultivate the habit of conversing with God about everything we do in our business-garden. We also recognise the importance of relationships in the business context. This includes the obvious relationships inside the business but also outside - with customers, the community in which our business operates, our regulators and even our competitors. Obviously we don’t shower our regulators with gifts, but we do treat them cordially. Equally obviously, we don’t cede our competitors anything in the areas quality, service and product development, but we do help them out as best we can when they experience a crisis.

Third, God has plans for individuals and nations. At its most basic, God’s plan for us as individuals is to, ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ' (1 Thes 5:16-18) Additionally, we are to, ‘…be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ‘ (Rom 12:2) God’s plan for individuals is also revealed by the Holy Spirit (if only we will listen): ‘Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia,having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas.’ (Acts 16:6-8) In this case the Holy Spirit disrupted the plans of man. Of course, this is consistent with Prov 16:9, 19:21 and Ps 32:8.

As Christians in business we are cheerful, prayerful and grateful. We allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds. We listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. We are open to God changing the plans that we have made. ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ (Rom 8:28)

God’s plans for the nations are summed up nicely in Mat 25:31-36 where there is a sharp disinction between sheep and goat nations. God clearly desires sheep nations. To be sure, some theologians believe this scripture is eschatological, referring to the final judgment of the nations; some argue it refers to the way in which we Christians treat our sisters and brothers in Christ; some believe it represents the replacement of Israel by the Christian church (known as replacement theology or successionism); and some believe it refers to how individual Christians treat the poor and needy. I think the context of Jesus’ discourse is clearly eschatological but I also believe that God desires sheep nations in the here and now. I base this belief on the glimpses we see of the sheep nation in 1 Kings 4:25 and Is 65:20-23. The verse in 1 Kings features the metaphor of living under the vine and fig tree which is an ancient metaphor that represents living in peace and prosperity. Is 65:20-23 describes the future of Israel, a future in which everyone lives well.

Business is, or at least is intended by God to be, evidence of His ‘common grace’, His desire to see the whole of humanity prosper through wealth creation. Therefore, in our businesses we seek to be agents of the sheep nation. We adopt the principle of gleaning and we find ways to engage in the tithe of the third year - see Lev 19:9-10 and Deut 14:28-29. (Both are topics that need detailed discussion and contextualisation to individual businesses but this is beyond the scope of this blog.)

Clearly, discipleship is not mere mental assent to being a follower of Jesus. The early Christians were known as ‘followers of the Way’ - See Acts 22:4. This ‘Way’ was a 24/7 way of living as disciples. The early Christians lived according to God’s purpose, principles and plans. And it was so offensive to the religious leaders of the day that Saul/Paul killed them for it. Let’s believe that as we follow the Way in business, people will glorify God rather than throw us in gaol or kill us!

*Tverberg, Lois. 2004. Listening to the Language of the Bible: Hearing It Through Jesus’ Ears. Holland: En-Gedi Resource Center

You can listen to the audio of the sermon on 14 Jan 2023 on the church website or on iTunes.

(This blog draws heavily from a sermon delivered by Keith Walters, Senior Pastor of the Ignite Life Churches, at Yarrawonga Campus on 31 Dec 2023.)